¿Sabes describir en inglés? Haz este test


hace 4 años

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que describiste algo? Con frecuencia hablamos del clima y de nuestras experiencias en ciertos lugares o con ciertas personas. Lo hacemos tan a menudo que pocas veces nos detenemos a pensar lo importante que es el lenguaje descriptivo en un idioma. El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua debe incluir, desde sus primeras lecciones, el vocabulario y las estructuras necesarias para expresar las características de lo que nos rodea ya que esta es una de las formas en las que nos relacionamos con el mundo.

La Escuela de Inglés de Platzi te ofrece un nuevo curso: Curso de Descripciones y Comparativos. En este curso aprenderás las preguntas clave que debes hacer cuando requieras que alguien describa un lugar, una persona o una situación. Así mismo, aprenderás más de 100 adjetivos que te permitirán describir el clima, imágenes, lugares y personas.

Discovery Language

Los estudiantes de Platzi se caracterizan por su curiosidad y autonomía a la hora de aprender. El curso de descripciones y comparativos fomenta dichas habilidades ya que invita a los estudiantes a pausar el curso permanentemente, realizar ciertos ejercicios y así descubrir las reglas del inglés por si mismos.

Esta práctica pedagógica, conocida en inglés como discovery language, asegura una mejor comprensión de las estructuras estudiadas, así como mayor consolidación en la memoria a largo plazo. Por lo anterior, te recomiendo tener una libreta de apuntes y un lápiz contigo durante el desarrollo de este curso.

A continuación podrás hacer algunos ejercicios que te darán una idea de los temas a tratar en este curso. Así que cambiemos el switch y practiquemos un poco de inglés.

Use the words of the blue box to complete the sentences below.

Image 1 blogpost.png
  1. I can’t believe you called me __________. I am always sharing everything with you!
  2. Fortunately, I found a __________ car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
  3. Don’t be so __________. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
  4. I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be __________ hot.
  5. You look different! I didn’t recognize you with __________ hair.
  6. I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very __________ at night.
  7. Her political views are __________, but I agree with everything she says.
  8. Who can read in such a __________ place?
  9. The station was so __________ that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
  10. They said the place was __________ but I actually had a lot of fun!

The answers to the exercise are at the bottom of this blogpost. If you made a few mistakes or if you were unsure about how to answer, you should start the English Course on Descriptions and Comparatives as soon as possible.

Tal vez ya has tomado algunos de los cursos del ciclo básico de inglés en Platzi. Si lo que quieres es ampliar las oportunidades para practicar estructuras cotidianas, como son las descripciones y las comparaciones, te invito a iniciar este curso cuanto antes.

Si por el contrario, no eres parte de la Escuela de Inglés, empieza hoy mismo y conoce esta maravillosa comunidad de estudiantes y profesores que te permitirán aprender inglés a tu propio ritmo y con contenidos relevantes y actualizados. Los 200 primeros estudiantes que completen este curso tendrán una mentoría con el profesor. ¡Empieza ahora!

Image 2 blogpost.png
Jaime José
Jaime José


hace 4 años

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4 años

Hi!! I am going to be in the first 200 🏆🏆🏆

4 años
I can’t believe you called me __selfish__. I am always sharing everything with you!
Fortunately, I found a __cheaper__ car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
Don’t be so __pessimistic__. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be ___boiling___ hot.
You look different! I didn’t recognize you with __curly___ hair.
I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very ___dangerous___ at night.
Her political views are __controversial__, but I agree with everything she says.
Who can read in such a ___noisy___ place?
The station was so __crowded____ that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
They said the place was __boring___ but I actually had a lot of fun!
4 años

I think my answer are complety right!

  1. I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!

  2. Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.

  3. Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!

  4. I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.

  5. You look different! I didn’t recognize you with** curly** hair.

  6. I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.

  7. Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.

  8. Who can read in such a noisy place?

  9. The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.

  10. They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!

4 años


  1. I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!
  2. Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
  3. Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
  4. I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
  5. You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
  6. I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
  7. Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.
  8. Who can read in such a noisy place?
  9. The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
  10. They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!
4 años

I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!

Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.

Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!

I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.

You look different! I didn’t recognize you with** curly** hair.

I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.

Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.

Who can read in such a noisy place?

The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.

They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!

4 años
  1. I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!
  2. Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
  3. Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
  4. I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
  5. You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
  6. I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
  7. Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.
  8. Who can read in such a noisy place?
  9. The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
  10. They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!
4 años

im doing it now.

I can’t believe you called me selfish I am always sharing everything with you!
Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
Don’t be so pessimistic I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
Her political views are controversial but I agree with everything she says.
Who can read in such a noisy place?
The station was so crowed that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!

4 años

I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!

Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.

Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!

I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.

You look different! I didn’t recognize you with** curly** hair.

I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.

Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.

Who can read in such a noisy place?

The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.

They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!

4 años

Easy-peasy mateeeee

4 años

I can’t believe you called me i_. I am always sharing everything with you!
Fortunately, I found a e car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
Don’t be so c
. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be _a hot.
You look different! I didn’t recognize you with _b hair.
I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very h at night.
Her political views are j, but I agree with everything she says.
Who can read in such a g
The station was so f
that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
They said the place was _d but I actually had a lot of fun!
10 of 10

4 años
  1. I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!
  2. Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
  3. Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
  4. I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
  5. You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
  6. I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
  7. Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.
  8. Who can read in such a noisy place?
  9. The station was so crowded I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
  10. They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!
4 años

I can’t believe you called me __________. I am always sharing everything with you!
Fortunately, I found a __________ car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
Don’t be so __________. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be __________ hot.
You look different! I didn’t recognize you with __________ hair.
I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very __________ at night.
Her political views are __________, but I agree with everything she says.
Who can read in such a __________ place?
The station was so __________ that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
They said the place was __________ but I actually had a lot of fun!

4 años

¡Chicos! Estaba intentando colocar los números y terminé comentando sin querer. ¿Cómo borro o edito un comentario? 😦

4 años

1.I can’t believe you called me Selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!
2.Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
3.Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
4.I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
5.You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
6.I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
7.Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.
8.Who can read in such a noisy place?
9.The station was so crowded I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
10.They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!

4 años
  1. I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!
  2. Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
  3. Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
  4. I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
  5. You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
  6. I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
  7. Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.
  8. Who can read in such a noisy place?
  9. The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
  10. They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!
4 años

Holaa, sé que no viene al caso pero me inscribí al spelling bee antes de hacer el test y los resultados me llegaron sin puntuación ¿No hay problema?

Thank you in advance!

4 años

La puntuación la determina el Team Platzi internamente, ya que solo participarán los 200 mejores puntajes.

4 años

I can’t believe you called me selfish. I am always sharing everything with you!
Fortunately, I found a cheaper car. I really needed one but I didn’t have much money.
Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure next year you will achieve great things!
I like the summer, but I never expected the days to be boiling hot.
You look different! I didn’t recognize you with curly hair.
I prefer to go during the day. Some people say it is very dangerous at night.
Her political views are controversial, but I agree with everything she says.
Who can read in such a noisy place?
The station was so crowded that I had to wait for 1 hour to get on a bus.
They said the place was boring but I actually had a lot of fun!