Wallet de Ethereum: ¿Qué es Metamask?


hace 7 años

En el mundo de Ethereum y criptomonedas es importante mantener una cartera para recibir y enviar Ether, Bitcoin.

Sin embargo en el caso puntual de Ethereum los usuarios podrían realizar muchas más acciones con la blockchain de Ethereum con aplicaciones descentralizadas también llamadas DApps.



DApps o aplicaciones descentralizadas consistente en aplicaciones que reemplazan el backend tradicional por un backend basado en una blockchain. A través de Ethereum se creó la tecnología necesaria para ejecutar contratos inteligentes que ahora mismo sirven de backend para muchas aplicaciones descentralizadas. Por ejemplo, aplicación para tener un gato en un blockchain o pescados en una pecera. Estos ejemplos son divertidos y desmuestran el poder que Ethereum puede proveer al mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones.

Diferencias de una DApp vs una aplicación tradicional

Para tener más claro el concepto es importante uno tener claro cómo funciona una aplicación web tradicional.

En la actualidad una aplicación web consiste en: un backend que procesa toda la lógica de negocios, una base de datos donde se almacena la información y el frontend que representa toda la información e interactúa con el usuario.

En una DApp cambiaríamos el backend por contratos inteligentes y la base de datos por la blockchain.

El frontend puede quedar sin cambios pero si cambia algo importante, la forma en cómo se comunica con el contrato inteligente. El usuario para guardar información debe hacer una transacción a través de la blockchain, es un fee que se paga para guardar la información, para leer la información el usuario no debe hacer absolutamente nada.

Y es en guardar información dónde se pone complejo el asunto porque el usuario debe tener mucho contexto de cómo enviar una transaccion para que el contrato inteligente y la aplicación pueda responder como desea, en ese punto Metamask sale a salvar la usabilidad de esta maravillosa tecnología.

Aprende sobre: ¿Qué es Chivo Wallet?


Es una extensión para Chrome, Firefox y Brave que ofrece una cartera en Ethereum y sus redes de prueba y además en cada página inyecta la librería web3 permitiendo que cada aplicación DApp pueda integrar Metamask para que el usuario pueda usar la aplicación de una manera fácil e intuitiva, sino el usuario debería enviar la transacción colocando información en hexadecimal haciendo todo el proceso más difícil.


Al instalar Metamask se genera una cartera cifrada con una contraseña.


La extensión genera un código mnemotécnico que contiene la información de tu cartera, debes guardar muy bien esa frase para poder recuperarla en un futuro en caso de que cambies de navegador o por alguna razón pierdas el wallet del navegador, incluso si se pierde la contraseña puedes usar esa frase para recuperar una cartera de la cual no recuerdes la contraseña.


Para enviar Ether se utiliza la interfaz de Send o enviar, indicando inicialmente la dirección de destino y la cantidad de Ether a enviar.


Integración de Metamask con DApps

Las DApps si utilizan Web3.js pueden tener ya integración con Metamask, la extensión detecta cuando se intenta hacer una transacción y despliega una ventana para hacer la transacción y no más.

El caso de CryptoKitties es interesante, porque demuestra cómo se puede utilizar Metamask y Web3.js para crear aplicaciones geniales sobre Ethereum.

Para que veas el proceso, te lo demuestro en imágenes:


Para iniciar sesión debemos usar Metamask


Uno crea una información básica de la cuenta que se guardará en el smart contract.


Al seleccionar un gato ya aparece la opción de compra.


Si presionas comprar, Metamask lanzará una ventana con toda la información para terminar la transacción.



Con Metamask podrás probar tus aplicaciones DApps a través de la red de pruebas de Ethereum llamada Ropsten.

Metamask 10.png

Si presionas el botón “Buy” al cambiar de Red podrás recibir gratis Ether de prueba en tu cuenta de Metamask.

Grupo de Telegram para hablar de criptomonedas

Únete al grupo de Telegram en Español para hablar sobre criptomonedas: https://t.me/joinchat/WPAsE3WGkKxHvTQr



hace 7 años

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muy buena explicación simple pero no tanto como para no quedar sin entender.


Nice info for metamask wallet and guys i’ve found something about decentralized technology Dapp.com has a new Apps games one is the Emperial Throne and i heard that they give some Alpha test access
and exlusive giveaway From December 6th to December 17th we will be hosting a competition where players will have the chance to win 20 Heimdall Tickets to Alpha Test Imperial Throne.

second is the Yummie decentralized technology The Yummies are cute animals made from food-related items. The first three races to be introduced are Bunny, Salamander and Unicorn.
For more updates just visit Dapp.com and you can join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com


good know that metamask has lot of benefits for cryptocurrencies and lately i’ve been saw the Emperial Throne Application games at Dapp.com that From December 6th to December 17th we will be hosting a competition where
players will have the chance to win 20 Heimdall Tickets to Alpha Test Imperial Throne.

  1. Follow @ImperialThrone_ and @dapp_com on Twitter;
  2. Like and retweet the giveaway post link with hashtag #heimdallwithdapp_com;
    The winners will be chosen randomly from posted retweets and announced on December 19th.

And Yummie games are also interesting During the presale, every time a Yummy-mix is sold, the price of all subsequent ones will increase slightly.
This means that early purchasers will get Yummy-mix at its lowest price. Visit Dapp.com for more info. and join TG channel:https://t.me/dapp_com


i discovered something the new decentralized technology application that we can use safety apps with a blockchain technology and it’s called Dapp.com
they can relese some apps games with the a unique categories.

Currently, 60% of the dapps in the market are games. The creation of crypto collectibles, powered by ERC-721 standard, has given opportunities for
users to own and trade unique in-game assets. There is hype around betting dapps in Q3, demonstrating how dapps fulfill users’ eagerness for transparency and fairness.

to see more info about this Dapps just visit Dapp.com and join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com


I was searching for new decentralized technology that i can earn and enjoy playing games and then i found out at Dapp.com is the one to understand,
create, and enjoy this exciting new technology with enthusiasm.
And it’s so amazing to see all their decentralized applications and the progress of this dapps even the commentator are amaze to this dapps and application.
To now more about this just visit Dapp.com and join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

i discovered something the new decentralized technology application that we can use safety apps with a blockchain technology and it’s called Dapp.com
they can relese some apps games with the a unique categories.

Currently, 60% of the dapps in the market are games. The creation of crypto collectibles, powered by ERC-721 standard, has given opportunities for
users to own and trade unique in-game assets. There is hype around betting dapps in Q3, demonstrating how dapps fulfill users’ eagerness for transparency and fairness.

to see more info about this Dapps just visit Dapp.com and join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

Grab your chances now! Only a few days left! Join the CryptantCrabs giveaway and try your luck!

  1. Follow @CryptantCrab & @dapp_com;
  2. Like and RT with #cryptantcrabwithdapp_com.
    10 winners will be chosen to get an unhatched Cryptant Crab for free!
    To know more information, visit us @ https://www.Dapp.com and follow the latest news and updates about us on https://t.me/dapp_com

Nice platform and trusted wallet for the cryptocurrency and I’ve got some information about Dapp.com i saw it in their website that this dapp is a contributor of all decentralized technology application games. And i heard
that this coming holiday they have new application games called yummies you can see all this article at Dapp.com

More exciting decentralized technology of apps games at Dapp.com.
And join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com


great article a big help for cryptocurrencies and I heard Dapp.com has a New decentralized technology application games called Imperial throne is a multi-player strategy war game based on the Ethereum. This games have
a exclusive giveaway and Pre-sale started on December 3d, 2018. All the game’s assets and gameplay are on the public blockchain.

Also Yummie application games is on Dapp.com blockchain game and collectables publisher BitCrystals today announced that the presale of the first characters (called “Yummies”) from forthcoming
blockchain-enabled game à table! will open at 10 am CET on December 5th
And join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com


nice one metamask are also coordinate for this dapp and here’s somthing recently i saw something about cryptocurrency Dapp.com are also relate for blockchain technology and this Dapp is a decentralized technology that this
platform is for sharing exciting dapps and valuable knowledge.

really interesting to see their features like the cryptancrabs is a decentralized application games and there are giving giveaways Nov 27 to Dec 7 only and
get a chance to win 10 Unhatched cryptant Crabs. Try to visit their website: Dapp.com join to their telegram official channel:https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

This is very interesting article, it will others to know what they need to know. Thank you for writing uo this ans I will recommend thus to others. I also got something that are related in cryptocurrency, its all about decentralized apps called Dapps What is it?

https://www.dapp.com is the largest dedicated platform for sharing exciting dapps and valuable knowledge about decentralized technology. They help everyone understand, create, and enjoy this exciting new technology with enthusiasm. They have so many giveaways and now they are handling Imperial Throne and Yummies.

Imperial Throne is a new strategy game dapp on the Ethereum Blockchain, with all the markings of an impressive new contender to this ever-growing blockchain gaming market. 

Yummies are cute animals made from food-related items.

For more info you can visit the links below👇👇 
website: https://www.dapp.com
Telegram: https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

Imperial Throne is a multi-player strategy war game based on the Ethereum. Pre-sale started on December 3d, 2018. All the game’s assets and gameplay are on the public blockchain. Every player enters the game as a tribal leader, but a player can take control over a piece of land only through the in-game auction system and become a lord. All players can mine Imperial Throne Tokens (ITT), recruit soldiers, and enjoy free trade in the marketplace.

From December 6th to December 17th we will be hosting a competition where players will have the chance to win 20 Heimdall Tickets to Alpha Test Imperial Throne.

  1. Follow @ImperialThrone_ and @dapp_com on Twitter;

  2. Like and retweet the giveaway post link with hashtag #heimdallwithdapp_com;

The winners will be chosen randomly from posted retweets and announced on December 19th…

For more info pls visit their official website:
👉 https://www.dapp.com

👉 https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

Guys, kindly check this out too!

BingoBet, The first American Roulette on EOS blockchain is having an airdrop with Dapp.com!  

After successfully launched the game, BingoBet team wants to make the game more viral in the crypto world. From December 17th to December 23rd, the first 2,000 participants will be able to get 1,000 BINGO tokens each - Yes, you heard us right.

Do you want to stock the 1,000 BINGO tokens before the holidays? Go to BINGO Token Airdrop, follow these rules as below to participate the airdrop:

  1. Go to BINGO Token Airdrop;
  2. Sign up on Dapp.com and fill out your EOS wallet address in the “User Center” ;
  3. Follow @bingobet_one and @dapp_com on Twitter ;
  4. Tweet about this airdrop event and share it with your friends!

BINGO tokens are dividend tokens that allow their owners to stake them for earning dividends from BingoBet (50% of the house edge will be distributed to BINGO holders).

Website: https://www.Dapp.com
Telegram: https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

That is great news! And did you know DEX Goes to Ethereum and Gambling Goes to EOS On Ethereum? Nearly 50% of dapp users contributed over 800,000 ETH transaction volumes in Q3 by using decentralized exchanges. On the other end, over 50% of the 60 new dapps launched on EOS are betting dapps. >>http://bit.ly/2Fx69ll
To know more information, visit us @ https://www.Dapp.com and follow the latest news and updates about us on https://t.me/dapp_com

6 años

Great article goodjob…
Want to share this as well… HODL St is a game centered around buying, building, and trading real estate in a virtual city built on blockchain technology.
From December 13th to December 21st, we will be hosting a competition where players will have the chance to win either a Level 1 Building or a Land Block. Dapp.com also joined the HODL St land and now has its own building, we hope you can join us in the blockchain real estate exploration.
For more info pls visit their official website:
👉 https://www.dapp.com

👉 https://t.me/dapp_com


This article is very interesting to read thanks for sharing this and i’ve found something new about decentralized technology Dapp.com has a new Apps games one is the Imperial Throne and i heard that they give some Alpha test access
and exlusive giveaway From December 6th to December 17th we will be hosting a competition where players will have the chance to win 20 Heimdall Tickets to Alpha Test Imperial Throne.

second is the Yummie decentralized technology The Yummies are cute animals made from food-related items. The first three races to be introduced are Bunny, Salamander and Unicorn.
For more updates just visit https://Dapp.com and you can join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com


Really informative article thanks for sharing this and lately i’ve been saw the Emperial Throne Application games at Dapp.com that From December 6th to December 17th we will be hosting a competition where
players will have the chance to win 20 Heimdall Tickets to Alpha Test Imperial Throne.

  1. Follow @ImperialThrone_ and @dapp_com on Twitter;
  2. Like and retweet the giveaway post link with hashtag #heimdallwithdapp_com;
    The winners will be chosen randomly from posted retweets and announced on December 19th.

And Yummie games are also interesting During the presale, every time a Yummy-mix is sold, the price of all subsequent ones will increase slightly.
This means that early purchasers will get Yummy-mix at its lowest price. Visit https://Dapp.com for more info. and join TG channel:https://t.me/dapp_com


very interesting article thanks for sharing this and I want to share something about this Dapp is about the decentralized technology that they introduce some new blockchain technology that we can sharing exciting dapps and valuable knowledge.
And I saw some interesting application games here at Dapp.com everyone understand, create, and enjoy this exciting new technology with enthusiasm.

You can try and see this guys just visit their website https://Dapp.com and join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com


thanks for this informative article and recently i saw something about cryptocurrency Dapp.com are also relate for blockchain technology and this Dapp is a decentralized technology that this
platform is for sharing exciting dapps and valuable knowledge.

really interesting to see their features like the cryptancrabs is a decentralized application games and there are giving giveaways Nov 27 to Dec 7 only and
get a chance to win 10 Unhatched cryptant Crabs. Try to visit their website: https://Dapp.com join to their telegram official channel:https://t.me/dapp_com


great to know that kind of trusted wallet I want to share something about Dapp.com this Dapp is about the decentralized technology that they introduce some new blockchain technology that we can sharing exciting dapps and valuable knowledge.
And I saw some interesting application games here at Dapp.com everyone understand, create, and enjoy this exciting new technology with enthusiasm.

You can try and see this guys just visit their website Dapp.com and join to their official telegram channel: https://t.me/dapp_com